Monday, April 7, 2008


This is Hannah, our 3 year old Yorkie. She is one of our rescue babies. She also runs the household. She is one of 3 dogs, 5 cats, and one bird. All but one are rescues. Hannah was dumped on us by a woman that purchased her and couldn't handle her, not drinking, or eating and having diarrhea. She had her only 3 days and then wanted to give her back to the breeders. The breeder wouldn't except her calls. She called our office in tears and wanted to leave her with us. Hannah was then delivered to us at only 8 weeks old and 2 lbs. What a tiny bundle of joy! and attitude!! She had a parasite that was easy to treat. Hannah has been healthy to date, with the exception of her tiny weight issues. She's soo cute we can't say no, but we do, at times. Obviously the eating really was no problem, I think her previous owner was just stressed out. Hannah yells at the cats when they get near a screen to scratch. I guess she learns from her Mommy, she also yells for Daddy to come down stairs when Mommy wants him for something, she hates delivery people and mailmen (can't figure out why, she was always fed treats by the office delivery people) She is a wonderful little spirit.


zippiknits...sometimes said...

Hannah is the perfect size, if you ask me. I have a 5.5 pound toy poodle who was a rescue puppy. We got him at 10 weeks and he weighed less than a pound.

Hannah looks like a feisty baby. And Fun!

Ivy said...

When we move to a place where we can have pets, me and my hubby will be getting one of these.
They are just wonderful dogs.